Array ( [SESS_AUTH] => Array ( [POLICY] => Array ( [SESSION_TIMEOUT] => 1440 [SESSION_IP_MASK] => [MAX_STORE_NUM] => 10 [STORE_IP_MASK] => [STORE_TIMEOUT] => 525600 [CHECKWORD_TIMEOUT] => 525600 [PASSWORD_LENGTH] => 6 [PASSWORD_UPPERCASE] => N [PASSWORD_LOWERCASE] => N [PASSWORD_DIGITS] => N [PASSWORD_PUNCTUATION] => N [LOGIN_ATTEMPTS] => 0 [BLOCK_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS] => 0 [BLOCK_TIME] => 0 [PASSWORD_REQUIREMENTS] => Пароль должен быть не менее 6 символов длиной. ) ) [SESS_IP] => [SESS_TIME] => 1715171934 [BX_SESSION_SIGN] => 8c5d1328a902adb12833e7ac01f334af )
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28 августа

Moscow region teachers’ meeting

Moscow region teachers’ meeting

Moscow region teachers’ meeting

On 28 August at the Grand Hall of the Provincial theatre the Moscow region teachers’ meeting took place. The meeting was conducted by Culture minister of the Moscow region Oleg Rozhnov. Headmasters of over 200 musical schools and colleges of the Moscow region participated in the meeting focused mainly on the problems of modern music education in Russia and ways of dealing with them.

Guests were greeted at the lobby by the “Russian Timbre” ensemble of timbre bayans, and at the stage by the restored State Academic Choir of Moscow Regional Philharmonic named after A. Kozhevnikov. Chief choirmaster, principal of Choral Arts Academy named after V.S. Popov, member of All-Russian Choral Society Panel Nikolay Azarov was conducting.

Moscow Regional Philharmonic is preparing for the upcoming concert season 2014-2015. Director of the Philharmonic Ilgiz Yanbukhtin has talked about the future of the new philharmonic and the nearest prospects.

The words of gratitude addressed to teachers have been spoken from the stage. Let’s wish them well-being, luck, and patience in that rewarding yet challenging work!